The Tailored Package

Goal: Seeking fully customized vision with robotic-assisted laser.

Light Adjustable Lenses (LAL) are the first and only lenses that are completely customized to your specific visual needs after cataract surgery – because we believe your vision should be exactly what you want. Now you can experience your vision, then refine it.

Your vision will truly be yours.

The Light Adjustable Lens is made of a special photosensitive material that changes the shape and power of your implanted lens in response to UV light to optimize your vision. The Light Delivery Device non-invasively delivers this UV light to precisely reshape your lens based on the visual correction that is needed to target your custom prescription.

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The Diamond Package

Goal: Seeking distance, intermediate, near & all astigmatism correction with robotic-assisted laser.

The Multi-focal IOL is another significant advancement in IOL technology. This lens does not split light into separate focal points. Rather, it stretches and shifts light rays to focus on the retina, creating an extended range of vision. Another remarkable capability of this IOL is that it can also correct astigmatism. A Toric version of the IOL is available for patients with pre-existing astigmatism. With a multifocal IOL, you can regain the clear vision you need to read, write, and work on a computer.

The Platinum & Precision Packages

Goal: Seeking astigmatism (mild to moderate) correction with robotic-assisted laser.


The Toric IOL is a monofocal lens that is uniquely designed to correct cataracts and a wide range of astigmatism. The unique design of the Toric IOL makes is possible to reduce or eliminate astigmatism and significantly improve uncorrected distance vision. The Toric IOL can provide a higher quality of vision than a conventional lens in astigmatism patients and will reduce but not eliminate the need for some eyeglass use.


Schedule an appointment today to discuss what IOL choice is best for you!